Regular teeth cleaning is crucial for maintaining a healthy, bright smile. Our thorough and gentle cleaning process removes plaque and tartar buildup, preventing gum disease and cavities. With our experienced dental hygienists, you can trust that your oral health is in good hands.
Professional teeth cleaning offers more than just a polished smile. It’s an essential part of your oral health routine. By scheduling regular cleanings, you can enjoy::
When a tooth is damaged beyond repair, or poses a risk to your oral health, an extraction may be necessary. Our experienced dental team ensures that the procedure is as quick and comfortable as possible, using advanced techniques and anesthesia to minimize discomfort.
While the thought of having a tooth extracted can be daunting, it can lead to better overall oral health. Here are some key benefits of opting for a professional tooth extraction:
Lifelong dental health begins with great experiences as a kid. Our team understands just how important those first visits are for our littlest patients. That’s why we strive to always provide comfortable, stress-free pediatric appointments. From routine cleanings to cavity fillings, our fun and welcoming approach will have your kids looking forward to seeing the dentist! And since we’re equipped to treat the whole family, your children can stay with us through their teen years and into adulthood. We’re committed to their teeth through all phases of life!
The best way to make sure children enjoy good oral health their entire lives is by preventing decay and gum disease from the beginning. Baby teeth play a key role in making sure adult teeth grow in correctly. That’s why we provide comprehensive care for the entire family, including your kids!
Smile Magic of Richardson is a state-of-the-art facility that’s proudly setting a new standard for individualized patient care. Schedule an appointment at our office today to take a step towards reaching your smile goals!